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1. Submissions must contain content within the scope of publication of the magazine, with content
Content reflects research results and new scientific discoveries on a topic
specifically; The content of the article is written concisely, with solid scientific arguments and a conclusion
clear argument; Articles must comply with all journal regulations.
2. Articles submitted for publication in the magazine must be articles that have not yet been submitted or published in the journal
magazines or other forms of official publication.
3. The article will only be published when at least 02 reviewers have recommendations
accepted the posting and there were no objections from the examiners
Other decisions are made by the Editorial Board. In case 01 reviewer agrees and the other one agrees
refuses, then the Editor-in-Chief will need at least 01 additional reviewer or
Consult with at least 1 scientist with the same expertise as the previous article
when making the final decision to accept or reject posting.

1. Articles are sent to the magazine via the official online submission/receiving portal of
magazine at access point: http://jst.ntt.edu.vn. The journal does not accept copies
Drafts are submitted through channels other than the official website and are not compliant
according to the regulations guided on the Magazine's website.
2. The manuscript of the article submitted for publication must not exceed 10 typewritten pages, including:
Tables, images, notes, references. Regulations on format, father
References and citations in the article are presented in detail on the Journal's website.

See details here: Link